Communication via the SofTMech^MP Team

SofTMech had moved to using Microsoft TEAMS prior to COVID-19.  However now all meetings will be virtual and mostly held using Microsoft TEAMS. Overview:

  • All SofTMech^MP members have been made a member of the SofTMech^MP Microsoft TEAM or a Guest if not a UoG member
  • Both members and guests can post, upload files, arrange video meetings
  • The Team's owners are Nick Hill and Gillian Brown and they can add new members
  • The Team has various Channels; each channel has its own posts and files
  • The General Channel also has a calendar where the dates of up and coming virtual meetings will be shown and also any Team tasks
  • All members can post in the general channel; please note the post will go to all 80+ members
  • In the General Channel's files there is a presentation folder (Wednesday Recorded talks) where all the Wedneday research talks from 22 Feb. 2020 onwards will be uploaded where permission given from presenter.
  • If you can not make a Research Meeting but are interested in the topic then subject to the speaker's wishes the presentations will be recorded and these recordings can be viewed via MP4 files in the General Channel.
  • Members and guests can hold video meetings with small groups by using the paper and pencil icon to the left of the search bar and selecting specific members to chat with; use as per email or turn into a video call. This can also be used during a TEAMs meeting to post a private message to one of the Meeting attendees. 
  • Members and guests also have permissions to create new channels (public=all team members can access or private = just specified members).  Each Channel has own posts and files.  If you wish to add a new member to TEAM  then please email  Nick Hill or Gillian Brown 
  • There is a How do I Channel which contains tips and links for working with TEAMS


First published: 23 March 2020