Feasibility Fund

The SofTMech Feasibility fund is now open.  The funding amount is between £1,000 to £6,000. Please contact Prof Nick Hill (Nicholas.Hill@glasgow.ac.uk) well in advance of submission, if your application is likely to exceed this amount.  

How to apply: Write an outline proposal (up to two sides A4) and in addition include the cover sheet (link to sheet on right)

e-mail to SofTMech secretary Gillian.Brown@glasgow.ac.uk

Funding amount: Normally £1000 to £6,000

Requirement:  Proposed feasibility studies normally 

1)  involve a collaboration with SofTMech; 

2)  make use of the SofTMech research outcomes;

3)  generate new ideas that lead to new projects and new grants;

4)  last up to 6 months.

Applications will be received at any point. 

Assessment: Application will be assessed by the Strategy Board and the  Strategy & Executive Committee will make the final decision.

Report: Submit a final report at the end of the feasibility study



First published: 14 January 2019