Date: 25 November, 2016 – 9:30am – 5pm
Location: Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

This workshop is the second in a series of focussed meetings, co-funded by the EPSRC Network ‘Predictive mOdelling for hEalthcare through MathS (POEMS)’ and Centre for Multiscale Soft Tissue Mechanics (SoftMech). The focus of the workshop will be to bring together multidisciplinary groups (e.g. clinicians, biologists and modellers) and initiate dialogues and collaborations across disciplines, on challenges in relation to the mechanical and physical aspects of cancer.

Specifically, this workshop features two themed topics – one on microstructure and morphology in cancer in relation to cancer mechanics, mechanical forces in cancer and associated diagnostic and intervention methods; the other one on cancer angiogenesis with regard to tumour initiation, growth and metastasis. The main aim of this workshop is to provide a mechanism to initiate new collaborations that will lead to multidisciplinary partnerships and grant proposals in the themed areas. Therefore, all the invited speakers (from clinical, biological and modelling backgrounds) will be encouraged to give an overview of the state-of-the-art in their field, in addition to their own research.

Discussion sessions will be a key element of the programme and it is hoped that all participants will have ample opportunity to be involved in, and contribute to, the themed discussion, from which new partnerships and proposals can be kicked start.

Confirmed speakers at the workshop:

Prof Yihai Cao (Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden)
Prof. Mark Chaplain (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews, UK)
Prof. Robert Insall (The Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Glasgow)
Prof. Alan McNeill / Dr. Daniel Good (Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK)
Prof. Robert Reuben (School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, UK)

How to register

Please send an email to with the subject title ‘cancer workshop registration’ in the email stating your name, affiliation and topics you are interested in (to help us coordinate group discussion), by 18th Nov 2016. In the case of late registration, please email the workshop organisers directly.
This workshop is subsidised by the POEMS network – there will be no registration fee, and all participants will receive funds of up to £150 to cover costs for travel and accommodation. Should you require on-campus accommodation, please contact Dr. Y Chen directly (email below).

Workshop organisers

Dr. Yuhang Chen (Heriot-Watt University / y.chen AT
Prof. Philip Maini (University of Oxford / maini AT
Prof. Xiaoyu Luo (University of Glasgow / xiaoyu.luo AT

Dialogues on Cancer Advert

First published: 10 November 2016

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