Five EPSRC Maths-Healthcare Centres Meeting, University of Glasgow, 19th-21st Sept. 2018

FIVE EPSRC Maths-Healthcare Centres (Cambridge, Exeter, Imperial, Liverpool and SofTMech) gathered together from the 19th to the 21st September 2018 at the University of Glasgow to exchange success stories and share experiences, and more importantly to consider future funding. Kings College London, UCLouvain, the University of Lancaster, Terumo Aortic and The Sick Children's Hospital in Glasgow were also represented by speakers who had been invited by one of the centres.  Each of the Centres had recently completed their Mid-Term Review.  Two portfolio Managers from the EPSRC, who fund the five centres attended, giving the centres the perspective of the EPSRC, as they discussed the way forward.

This was the first of two workshops. The centres gave an overview of the work at their centre, in particular highlighting new and exciting work where collaboration with other UK expertise would form a stronger funding application.  In addition to the external speakers each centre had a number of internal speakers who gave presentations on their research and how it fitted in with the overall theme of their Maths and Healthcare Centre.   


First published: 22 June 2018