Visit by Professor Rajagopal
Professor Rajagopal will visit form the 2nd to the 6th November.
During the visit, Prof. Rajagopal will give an applied maths seminar to the whole School and SofTMech. He will attend our weekly SofTMech PhD students group meeting, and have individual meetings with various SofTMech members, in particular with Luo, Ogden, Gao, and Stewart. The discussion will be focused on the reconstruction of new constitutive laws. He will also talk to various other members of SofTMech interested in constitutive modelling, and aortic dissection.
Prof. Rajagopal is a world-leading expert in mechanics, and his interests cover a wide range of solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics. He is currently a Distinguished Professor, Regent’s Professor, Forsyth Chair in Mechanical Engineering. He received CVET Most Cited Article Award, jointly awarded by the Biomedical Engineering Society and Springer Nature (J. Moore and J. Soares co-authors), 2016, and has been identified as being in the top 3% of their discipline, using Academic Analytics standard index scoring, 2016. Prof. Rajagopal has made significant contributions in many branches of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, and there have been three issues of Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids in honour of K. R. Rajagopal’s contributions to the field of Mechanics (Guest ed. J. Casey), 2015. Among other contributions in the area, his theory on implicit constitutive laws is particularly relevant as this is a novel development could make significant changes in how we model soft tissues and may solve many hard problems, such as strain limiting behaviour, which is typical in soft tissues.
First published: 1 November 2018